Jewish Women's Circle - JWC
Created by Jewish women for women. Jewish Women's Circle of Chabad of Loudoun County connects women of all ages by embracing our heritage and building lifelong relationships while drawing strength from one another through our commitment to Jewish ideals. Judaism is experienced through fun events and activities. All women are welcome regardless of background, knowledge or level of Jewish observance. We welcome you to join us, participate in our programs and get involved.
Recent programs and events have included: Menorah and Martinis, Painting with a twist, Shabbat In An Hour, Latkes, Lattes and Lights, Decor and Desserts, Dreidel Cocoa Bombs, a Hamantasch Bake, A Challah Bake, a Sufganiyot Fry and more.
For 2022-2023 JWC will be starting a Cooking Series. The cooking series will be bringing the love of Jewish cooking to all, regardless of cooking knowledge or experience. This series will demonstrate how you can cook or bake foods you thought only your Bubby could!
Committee Heads: Lori Heisler and Yehudis Cohen
For further information please contact Yehudis at 201-213-5894
Or email: